Single Frame: IMAGINE

Hi. I'm a photo. Got an invite for your imagination. I been 'round a long time, but I don't claim any hold on the truth. Never mind belief either, 'cause I only want you to imagine. Set your imagination on fire, and your compassion will burn brightly too. OK? 

Now why do I say this? Well, there's a rumor going round. People are saying that I, as a photograph, must always tell the truth. I say, sure, in some countries, that makes sense. That land called journalism, and that nation that's called foresics, sure, my brothers need to be documents. But hey, I am an artistic girl. I am about imagination, and possibility. I'm for those folks who always want a good story more than the true details.   

That's why I am a Polaroid. Just one frame. To appreciate me, you gotta use your imagination. 


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