Slow Photography #67 Don't PAY Attention, DANCE It
Eagle Owl, captive,Miami Zoo. Text and Photographs Copyright 2017 Jim Austin Jimages, all rights reserved. Great blue herons on the beach, Florida USA. Atlantic gulls, offshore, squabbling over a fish. Find. Focus. Frame. These three steps are " The Dance" bef ore we fire the shutter. Clicking the shu tter is the easy part. The Dance is our practice, our moves , an most importantly, our attention . The secret to adroit dancing is that we are completely involved. While the steps begin in our mind and b rain, we perceive that our body leads the way. Just like skilled dancers, good photographers g et ready, do a series of steps , and then let go. Da ncers and photographers use Ready, Set, Go! This skill sequence allows u s to quickly shift our attention. I f we c ompare our attention to a chimpanzee, we humans are much more flexible in our attention. Gaurav Patel believes we humans may have traded "speed for some kind of cognitive flexi...